Notification log and permission status icons

The permission status icons and notification log are located in the header of the virtual classroom. The black and white bell icon (to the right of the keypoints icon) on the header is the notification log. To the right of that and to the left of the drop-down menu with your name and avatar you can see a group of four icons called the permission status icons:


Hovering over them reveals the permissions you currently have for the various functions of the room. There are four distinct categories: Whiteboard permissions, Chat permissions, Video permissions, Audio/Microphone permissions. These icons allow you to review the permissions you currently have for the room. Additionally, clicking on the audio/microphone permission icons allows you to control the volume of the audio you hear from the room and the microphone you use to speak in the room, respectively.
Below is a breakdown of how this looks for the different categories (icons):
Whiteboard permissions icon


Chat permissions icon


Permissions for Video


 Audio/microphone permission icons & controls
The audio/microphone permission icons function slightly differently from the ones above and hence the indicators are different as well. Every participant has control over his/her microphone and sound volumes (headphones) which they can adjust using the slider as shown in the screenshot below:
Due to the fact that the icons are functional, the indicators for your permissions also look slightly different from the way they look for the other categories:


Notification log
All system messages and notifications can be found under the Bell button.
Scroll down to see full list.


When a participant enters the room
There are three notification messages for this action:


When a participant logs out
This is the message shown after a participant clicks on the Log out button in the top right-hand corner and has officially left the room: “Participant… logged out“.


When a participant closes the browser or loses internet connection.
This is the message shown after a participant loses their internet connection and refreshes or closes the browser: “Participant… disconnected“.


When a participant connects after refresh or lost internet connection
This is the message shown after a participant loses and regains their internet connection, refreshes the browser, or closes and reopens it: “Participant… connected“.


When a participant Raises Hand
All participants receive a sound indication and a notification that a participant has requested to speak (clicked the Raise Hand button). The tutor has the ability to mute the sound notification. The notification shows in which group a participant has requested to speak.


When a participant switches off his/her camera
This is the message when a participant switches his/her camera off: “Participant… video connection interrupted“.


When a participant first logs in with his/her camera switched on
This is the message when a participant first logs into the room with his/her camera switched on: “Participant… has established a video connection“.


When a participant switches on his/her camera again
This is the message when a participant restarts his/her camera: “Participant… turned on the camera“.


When a participant switches off his/her microphone
This is the message when a participant switches off his/her microphone: “Participant… audio connection interrupted“.


When a participant first logs in with his/her microphone switched on
This is the message when a participant first logs into the room with his/her microphone switched on: “Participant… has established an audio connection“.


When a participant switches on his/her microphone again
This is the message when a participant restarts his/her microphone: “Participant… turned on the microphone“.


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