Quizzes: creation and management


The Quizzes menu provides you with the tools needed to create a quiz, assign it to your students and check their results.  

Quizzes: Creation

In order to create a quiz from scratch, you will need to access the Quizzes option from the left side menu. 

Then, under Quizzes , you will see all the quizzes you have already created and the option to edit them.

The Quiz review menu lets you view the quizzes that have already been taken by your students.

Quizzes to take is where the students will be able to view the quizzes they need to take.

From the Quizzes tab, please click on the Create a quiz button in order to begin the quiz creation process.

For students, the Evaluated quizzes menu gives them access to the results of the quizzes that they have taken.


In order to create a new quiz, click on the +Create Quiz button in the Quizzes menu.

Here you will need to fill in a name for your quiz.

NOTE: You may also add a description of and instructions for the quiz; however, both are optional.

After you have finished filling in the necessary information, click on Create.

NOTE: You should put a tick next to the Quiz is active box. This will ensure that the quiz is visible and that you can add it to your course.


A few additional options remain and are visible on the final screen of the Quiz Creation process, as seen here:

Here is a list of those options with an explanation as to what each of them does:

  • Number of questions: Lets you select how many questions you want the quiz to include;
  • Shuffle questions: If checked, the system shuffles questions randomly each time someone takes the quiz;
  • Shuffle answers: If checked, the system shuffles the answers to each question randomly whenever someone takes the quiz;
  • Maximum tries: Selects how many times a student can take the quiz;
  • Time limit: Sets the time limit for the quiz.


Under the Questions tab you will have the option of adding questions and correct/incorrect answers to those questions, as seen below:

You will also be given a choice:

  • multiple choice questions with one correct answer;
  • multiple choice questions with more than one correct answer.

NOTE: You will need to specify the correct answer to each question. Select theCorrect Answer option given to you under each potential answer window.

Once you have finished preparing the questions and answers, you need to hit Save Changes. This will save the created questions, their answers, as well as the other specifications for the quiz.


Quizzes: Management

In addition to creating, you have multiple options for managing already created quizzes, including editing, deleting and assigning those quizzes to either a group or a course.

Assigning the quiz to a group

Apart from putting the quiz directly in the Course section, you can also assign a quiz to a group, by going to Users > Groups in your left side menu. 

Once you have added the participants to your group, you will need to edit the group via the corresponding button, as shown below:


Afterwards, you will need to go to the Resources tab.


Then, click on the Add quizzes button. Once you do so, you will see the available quizzes in the following window:

Tick the box next to the quiz you wish to assign to the desired group. Then click on Assign quiz to the group.

Another option to assign a quiz would be to add a quiz as a resource to the course you are currently creating.


Adding a quiz to a course

Once you have created your course and made sure that it is currently Active, you will have the option of adding the aforementioned quiz to your course under the Lessons in the course tab.

You may do so via the resources button located under Lesson sections in the Lessons in the course tab.

You will be given the option to add additional files (visual aides etc.), a text editor, or a quiz.


Once you have chosen to add a quiz, you will see something similar to the following screen:

You will then need to tick the box next to the desired quiz and select + Add to the lesson.


Once you have added the quiz to the lesson, you will need to save the changes you just made. You can do so by clicking the Save changes button.
