What's the selection criteria?

For the Qualifiers:

We will select teams to advance to the Qualifiers round based on your demonstrated thought process around why you want to solve the problem you talk about, or why you want to be an entrepreneur. At this stage, we will not assess how "real" your idea is, or how big your product can be. We're interested in YOU.

For the Semi-Finals:

If you make it through to the Qualifiers, and are working on your video pitch and pitch deck, what we look for when we select the Semi-Finalists are:

  1. Market opportunity - is your product/ service really needed?
  2. Feasibility - is your team (with some learning and help) able to make this product/ service?
  3. Innovativeness - Is it clear what your product/ service's unique value proposition is?

Note: The above are indicative only and the co-organizers reserve the right to make changes to the judging criteria. The selection decisions lie at the sole discretion of the co-organizers and the co-organizers are not obliged to disclose or provide any reasons for their decision.